New paper on tsetse flies now out!
Check out our new paper on tsetse flies entitled "Warm Blood Meal Increases Digestion Rate and Milk Protein Production to Maximize...

New paper out in Current Opinion in Insect Science
Our newest paper entitled "Thermal biology of invasive Aedes mosquitoes in the context of climate change" with Dr. Mariangela Bonizzoni...

New paper in JoVE on mosquito electroantennography
Our newest paper was published in Jove! Check it out!

2 new preprints on BioRxiv!
We are excited to share two new preprints! The first one is a collaborative project with Claudio Lazzari, Aurélie Fauqet, Ricardo Araujo...
New paper out in Trends in Parasitology
I am delighted that our paper with Karthikeyan Chandrasegaran, Luis Escobar and Clément Vinauger is now available online! Abstract:...

New paper out in PNAS!
I am really excited to share our latest paper published in PNAS!! Abstract: Mosquitoes are important vectors of disease and require...

New paper in Current Biology
I am delighted to share our new paper published in Current Biology entitled "Commonly Used Insect Repellents Hide Human Odors from...

New paper out!
Our newest paper is now available online! Congrats to MSc student Forde Upshur, co-first author undergraduate researcher Elizabeth Bose...

Papers on BioRxiv!
Summer has been really busy for the lab between field work, grant writing and paper submissions! Among papers submitted, 3 are available...
New paper in Current Opinion in Insect Science!
I am delighted to announce that our paper with Dr. Joshua Benoit from UC, Dr. David Denlinger from OSU and Dr. Claudio Lazzari from...