Joanna receives a Biochemistry Research Grant
Congratulations to Joanna who receives a research grant from the Biochemistry Department to continue her work on mosquito-frog...

New paper in JoVE on mosquito electroantennography
Our newest paper was published in Jove! Check it out!

New paper on ticks thermoregulation
Our paper with Claudio lazzari, Marcos Pereira, Aurélie Fauquet and Ricardo Araujo is out in Journal of Insect Physiology:...

Two new papers!
Happy to start the year with the publication of two papers! Bravo Joanna for your hard work! 1) The first paper led by Joanna Reinhold...
Congrats lab!
Congratulations to Morgen on receiving the 2020 Bruce M. Anderson Award and to Joanna for receiving the 2020 Service and Outreach award...
2020 Engelpalooza
The Lahondère lab was well represented at the 2020 edition of Engelpalooza, a conference to highlight undergraduate (and this year...

2020 Virginia Tech Science Festival!
The 2020 Virginia Tech Science Festival was held virtually this year but it did not prevent us from participating! Joanna, Karthikeyan...

We have moved to Steger Hall!
We are excited to announce that the Lahondère lab has moved to Steger Hall this Summer! This is part of an effort from the Fralin Life...
2 new preprints on BioRxiv!
We are excited to share two new preprints! The first one is a collaborative project with Claudio Lazzari, Aurélie Fauqet, Ricardo Araujo...

Welcome Zach!
We are delighted to welcome Zach Baker as our Summer 2020 Filed and Lab Assistant! Zach will be working closely with Joanna on her project.

Insect Biotech Conference 2020
Joanna and Forde did a fantastic job at presenting their work during the 2020 Insect Biotech Conference organized by Dr. jean-Paul...

Congrats Graduates!
Congrats to Sarah and Ryan on your graduation!!! And congrats to Aley on the obtention of a position at Thermo Fisher this Fall!

Forde Upshur, MS!
Congratulations to Forde Upshur for successfully defending his Master's thesis entitled "Factors influencing sugar feeding in invasive...

Congrats to Joanna!
Congratulations to Joanna for winning the 1st place for her presentation on the interactions between mosquitoes and amphibians at the...

Congrats to Joanna, PhD candidate!
Congratulations to Joanna who successfully passed her preliminary exam!!!