New paper in Current Opinion in Insect Science!
I am delighted to announce that our paper with Dr. Joshua Benoit from UC, Dr. David Denlinger from OSU and Dr. Claudio Lazzari from...

2018 Department of Biochemistry Research Award!
I am honored to receive the 2018 Department of Biochemistry Research Award!

The Lahondère Lab - December 2018
The lab is growing! PhD student Joanna Reinhold (front row, on the left) joined the lab in August and Master student Forde Upshur (back...
New grant received from MicroFEWHS!
We are thrilled to announce that the Lahondère lab and the Schmale lab have received a grant from MicroFEWHS and the Fralin Institute!...

New grant received from the GCC and ISCE!
We received a grant from the Global Change Center (GCC) and the Institute for Society, Culture and Environment (ISCE) to study the impact...

2018 ESA, ESC, and ESBC Joint Annual Meeting
I will be presenting at the ESA, ESC and ESBC joint annual meeting in Vancouver BC, Canada on Wednesday, November 14th. Stop by room 301...

New paper out!
Our paper with Joanna Reinhold and Claudio Lazzari on the "Effects of the Environmental Temperature on Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus...

Interview with Science News for Students
Check out this really nice article by Bethany Brookshire. She interviewed me and 3 other scientists to talk about our jobs and...

ECRO meeting in Würzburg, Germany
I will be giving a talk at the ECRO meeting in Würzburg, Germany on Saturday September 8th! I will bve talking about the "Effects of...

Prof. Claudio Lazzari visits us at VT!
We are really happy to have Prof. Claudio Lazzari, from the Research Institute on Insects Biology (Tours, France), visiting us at...

We receive an Eppley Foundation grant!
We are really excited to announce that we have been awarded a research grant from The Eppley Foundation For Research!! The project will...

MLBS Seminar Series - Summer 2018
Chloé will give a seminar at the Mountain Lake Biological Station on June 5th at 8PM. Come and join us for some mosquito fun! And check...

Chloé is awarded a Margaret Walton Fellowship!
I just received notification that I have been awarded a Margaret Walton Fellowship for Mountain Lake! I am deeply honored to be the...

Zeste de Science!
So excited to see you our work with Dr. Claudio Lazzari explained and highlighted by Zeste de Science, CNRS!

New paper out in the Journal of Insect Physiology!
I am delighted to announce that our paper, with co-authors Claudio Lazzari and Aurélie Fauquet, "Keeping cool: Kissing bugs avoid...