Our paper on learning in mosquitoes is out in Current Biology!
I am really happy to announce that our paper "Modulation of Host Learning in Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes" is out in Current Biology! This...

Launching of the Insect Journal Club at Virginia Tech!
On the 11th of January, Dr. Clément Vinauger and I are launching the first Insect Journal Club at Virginia Tech! Twice a month, we will...

ScienceNews highlights our work on mosquito learning and memory abilities
Science writer Susan Milius wrote a very nice article for ScienceNews on our work on learning and memory in mosquitoes entitled "Rough...

Our paper on kissing bugs thermoregulation is out in eLife!
What a good way to start this week! Our paper on kissing bugs thermoregulation is now out in eLife! This work is the result of an...

![Entomological Society of America annual conference 2017 [Nov. 5-8]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/1e483b_d7c2388fd0ff497bb1326b36d7627395~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_197,h_148,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/1e483b_d7c2388fd0ff497bb1326b36d7627395~mv2.webp)
Entomological Society of America annual conference 2017 [Nov. 5-8]
The Entomological Society of America meeting is coming! I will give a talk on orchid pollination by mosquitoes during the MUVE session...

A new adventure at Virginia Tech!
I am thrilled to announce that I will be joining the faculty of the Department of Biochemistry at Virginia Tech as a Research Assistant...

In Defense Of Plants: podcast about our work on orchid pollination
Matt Candeias is a plant lover. Being fascinated by plants, he created "In Defense of Plants", a website where he shares a lot of amazing...

What happened in May?
Our paper on learning and memory in Aedes aegypti has been submitted! This work led by Clement Vinauger and myself, conducted in Jeff...

Our review on olfactory learning and chemical ecology of olfaction in disease vector mosquitoes is o
Our review "Olfactory learning and chemical ecology of olfaction in disease vector mosquitoes: a life history perspective" with my...

Kennedy Tobin awarded a Mary Gates Scholarship
After Lauren Locke and Jessica Liaw who got the Scholarship in 2015 and 2016 respectively, it is Kennedy Tobin turn! Kennedy is a...

Outreach: Scarabs, The Bug Society - Talk on mosquitoes at the Burke Museum
Clement Vinauger and I will give a talk on the 27th of March at the monthly meeting of the Scarabs Society at the Burke Museum. We will...

"Furry logics, the physics of animal life" book highlights our work on mosquitoes!
Thanks to Martin Durrani and Liz Kalaugher for highlighting some of the work I performed on mosquitoes during my PhD in Claudio Lazzari's...

UW Bio post-doc seminar
I'll be presenting for the first time the results we obtained on the effect of temperature on olfactory behavior in mosquitoes at the...

UWPA Annual Research Symposium 2016
I will be presenting some of our work at the Annual UWPA (University of Washington Post-doctoral Association) Research Symposium on the...

Outreach: TriBeta quarterly seminar
Clement Vinauger and I have been invited by the TriBeta UW Honor Society to give a seminar on mosquitoes! We will talk about the...