The Orchid Review
The Orchid Review recently published their September issue in which they talk about our work on pollination of Platanthera orchids!

ICE 2016 XXVI International Congress of Entomology (September 25-30)
ICE is in a month! I will be presenting at the International Congress of Entomology next month. I will discuss our most recent work on...

Our review paper on Learning and Memory in disease vector insects is out!
Our review paper on learning and memory in disease vector insects is now available online! Check the Trends in Parasitology website if...

![2016 Undergraduate Research Symposium [Mary Gates Foundation]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/1e483b_b4c82aad46e94afab91b37aff750efd6~mv2_d_3408_1840_s_2.jpg/v1/fill/w_197,h_148,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/1e483b_b4c82aad46e94afab91b37aff750efd6~mv2_d_3408_1840_s_2.webp)
2016 Undergraduate Research Symposium [Mary Gates Foundation]
Jessica E. Liaw, an undergraduate research assistant working in the Riffell lab with Dr. Clement Vinauger and my self gave a fantastic...

The Stranger Magazine on Aedes mosquitoes and the Zika virus
Sydney Brownstone, a journalist for The Stranger magazine recently came to the lab to have a look at the research we are conducting on...

SICB 2016, Portland
I'll be presenting some of my work on orchid pollination by snow mosquitoes at the SICB meeting in Portland next week! Come and say hi!...

Field Work in Eastern Washington
It is mosquito season! Clement (another postdoctoral researcher in the lab) and I went to Eastern Washington to collect mosquitoes and...

![2015 Undergraduate Research Symposium [Mary Gates Foundation]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/1e483b_e6c604b7ca644ceaa8d48c989f2a0c8e~mv2_d_3264_1824_s_2.jpg/v1/fill/w_197,h_148,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/1e483b_e6c604b7ca644ceaa8d48c989f2a0c8e~mv2_d_3264_1824_s_2.webp)
2015 Undergraduate Research Symposium [Mary Gates Foundation]
Jillian Joiner and Jessica E. Liaw did a fantastic job presenting their poster on mosquito behavior at the 2015 Undergraduate Research...

Our work on tsetse flies thermal biology during feeding is out!
I'm very happy to announce that my paper dealing with tsetse flies thermal biology during feeding has been accepted in Journal of Thermal...