* denotes undergraduate researchers, ** graduate researchers, *** post-docs
Preprints / Submitted / In revision
Lahondère C., Buradino M.** and Lazzari C.R. Thermoregulation in Rhodnius prolixus: heart activity and heterothermy (in revision). BioRxiv, 685305.
Wangrawa D.W., Chandrasegaran K.***, Uphsur F.**, Sharakov I., Vinauger C. and C. Lahondère. (2024). Behavioural response of Aedes aegypti ( Diptera: Culicidae) to essential oils of Cymbopogon nardus (L.) and Eucalyptus camaldulensis (Dehnh) and their blend in Y-maze olfactometer. Frontiers in Tropical Diseases.
Lou, L.**, Tu, Z.J., Lahondère C. and C. Vinauger (2024). Rhythms in insect olfactory systems. Journal of Experimental Biology.
Reinhold, J.M*** and C. Lahondère (2024). Mosquitoes feeding on ectothermic hosts: from host seeking to pathogen transmission. Current Opinion in Insect Science.
Wynne, N.E., Applebach, E., Chandrasegaran, K., Ajayi, O.M., Chakraborty, S., Bonizzoni, M., Lahondère, C., Benoit, J. and Vinauger, C. (2024). Aedes albopictus colonies from different geographic origins differ in their sleep and activity levels but not in the time of peak activity. Medical and Veterinary Entomology.
Shannon D.M., Richardson N.A., Lahondère C. and D. Peach. (2024). Mosquito floral visitation and pollination. Current Opinion in Insect Science.
Carlassara M., Khorramnejad A., Oker H.**, Bahrami R., Nabor Lozada-Chávez A., Mancini M.V, Body J.A., Lahondère C. and M. Bonizzoni (2024). Population-specific responses to developmental temperature in the arboviral vector Aedes albopictus: implications for climate change. Available on BioRxiv 2023.10.06.561151, Global Change Biology.
Upshur F.I., Fehlman M., Pariskh V. and C. Lahondère. (2023). Sugar feeding by invasive mosquito species on ornamental and wild plants. Scientific Reports. 13: 22121.
Wangrawa D.W., Waongo A., Traore F., Llboudo Z., Upshur F.**, Borovsky D., Lahondère C., Badolo A., Sanon A. (2023). Insecticidal and anti-feeding activities of Cymbopogon schoenanthus, Lippia multiflora, and Ocimum americanum essential oils against larvae and pupae of Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Acta Scientific Agriculture 7.11: 50-62.
Lahondère C. (2023). Recent advances in insect thermoregulation. Journal of Experimental Biology. 226 (18): jeb245751.
Reinhold J.**, Halbert E.*, Roark M.*, Sierra Smith**, Stroh K.M., Siler C.D., McLeod D.S. and Lahondère C. (2023). The role of Culex territans mosquitoes in the transmission of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis to amphibian hosts. Parasites and Vectors.
Lahondère C., Vinauger C., Liaw J.E., Joiner J.M., Tobin K.K.S and J. Riffell (2023). The effect of temperature on mosquito olfaction. Integrative and Comparative Biology.
VanderGiessen M.**, Tallon, A***, Damico B.*, Lahondère C. and C. Vinauger. (2023). Soap application alters mosquito-host interactions. iScience. 106667.
Roth M.A.**, Lahondère C. and Gross A.D. (2023) Discovering Aethina tumida Responses to Attractant and Repellent Molecules: A Potential Basis for Future Management Strategies. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. 192:105386.
Wolff G.H., Lahondère C., Vinauger C., Rylance E. and J.A. Riffell. (2023). Neuromodulation and differential learning across mosquito species. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 11;290(1990):20222118. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2022.2118.
Benoit J.B., Lahondère C., Attardo G.M., Michalkova V., Oyen K., Xiao Y. and S. Aksoy. (2022). Warm blood meal increases digestion and milk protein production to maximize reproductive output for the tsetse fly, Glossina morsitans. Insects. Insects. 13(11):997.
Kuchinsky S., Marano J., Hawks S., Loessberg E., Honaker C., Siegel P., Lahondère C., LeRoith T., Weger-Lucarelli J., and N. Duggal. (2022). North American house sparrows are competent for Usutu virus transmission. mSphere. e00295-22.
Lahondère C. (2022). Mosquito electroantennogram recordings. In “Laboratory mosquito rearing, behaviour, physiology, and neuroscience”, Cold Spring Harbor Protocols. doi:10.1101/pdb.prot107871
Lahondère C. (2022). Mosquito electroantennography. In “Laboratory mosquito rearing, behaviour, physiology, and neuroscience”, Cold Spring Harbor Protocols. doi:10.1101/pdb.top107679
Wangrawa D.W., Ochomo E., Upshur F.**, Zanré N., Borovsky D., Lahondère C., Vinauger C., Badolo A. and A. Sanon. (2022). Essential oils and their binary combinations have synergistic and antagonistic insecticidal properties against Anopheles gambiae s. l. (Diptera: Culicidae). Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 42(102347).
Lahondère C. and M. Bonizzoni. Thermal biology of invasive Aedes mosquitoes in the context of climate change. (2022). Current Opinion in Insect Science.
Reinhold, J. M.**, Chandrasegaran, K., Oker, H.**, Crespo, J. E., Vinauger, C., & Lahondère, C. (2022). Species-Specificity in Thermopreference and CO2-Gated Heat-Seeking in Culex Mosquitoes. Insects, 13(1), 92.
Fryzlewicz L.**, VanWinkle A.* and C. Lahondère (2021). Developement of an attractive toxic sugar bait for the control of Aedes. j. japonicus. Journal of Medical Entomology.
Lazzari C.R., Fauquet A.**, Lahondère C., Pereira M.H. and R. Araujo. (2021). Soft ticks perform evaporative cooling during blood-feeding. Journal of Insect Physiology. 130(104197).
Lahondère C. (2021). A step-by-step guide to mosquito electroantennography. JOVE.
Bates T.A, Chuong C., Marano J., Waldman A., Klinger A., Reinhold J.M.**, Lahondère C. and J. Weger. (2021) American Aedes japonicus japonicus, Culex pipiens pipiens, and Culex restuans mosquitoes have limited transmission capacity for a recent isolate of Usutu virus. Virology. 555: 64-70.
Reinhold J.M.**, Shaw R.* and Lahondère C. (2021). Beat the heat: Culex quinquefasciatus regulates its body temperature during blood-feeding. Journal of Thermal Biology. 96: 102826.
Chandrasegaran K., Lahondère C., Escobar L.E. and Vinauger C. (2020). Mosquito ecology, behavior, and disease transmission. Trends in Parasitology. 36(4): 393-403.
Lahondère C., C. Vinauger, R.P. Okubo, G. Wolff, J.K. Chan, O.S. Akbari, J.A. Riffell (2020). The olfactory basis of orchid pollination by mosquitoes. PNAS, 117 (1) 708-716.
Upshur I.F.**, Bose E.A*, Hart C.* and C. Lahondère. (2019). Temperature and sugar feeding effects on the activity of a laboratory strain of Aedes aegypti. Insects, 10(10): 347.
Afify A., Betz J.F., Riabinina O., Lahondère, C. and C.J. Potter. (2019). Commonly used insect repellents hide human odors from Anopheles mosquitoes. Current Biology, 29:1-12.
Benoit J.B., Lazzari C.R., Denlinger D.L. and Lahondère C. (2019) Thermoprotective adaptations are critical for arthropods feeding on warm-blooded hosts. Current Opinion in Insect Science, 34:7-11.
-> Selected and evaluated by the faculty of F1000.
Reinhold J.M.**, Lazzari C.R. and Lahondère C. (2018) Effects of the Environmental Temperature on Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus Mosquitoes: A Review. Insects, 9(4), 158; doi: 10.3390/insects9040158.
Lazzari C.R., Fauquet A.** and C. Lahondère. Kissing bugs avoid cannibalism by thermoregulating (2018). Journal of Insect Physiology, Vol. 107, p29–33.
Vinauger C.+, Lahondère C.+, Wolff G.H., Locke L.T.*, Liaw J.E.*, Parrish J.Z., Akbari O.S., Dickinson M.H. and J.A. Riffell. (2018) Dopamine modulation of host learning in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Current Biology, 28, 333–344.
+ These authors contributed equally to this work.
Lahondère C., Insausti T., Paim RMM, Luan X., Belev G., Pereira MH., Ianowski J.P. and C.R. Lazzari (2017). Countercurrent heat exchange and thermoregulation during blood-feeding in kissing bugs. eLife. 2017; 6:e26107.
Lutz E.K.**, Lahondère C., Vinauger C. and J.A. Riffell (2017). Olfactory learning and chemical ecology of olfaction in disease vector mosquitoes: A life history perspective. Invited review - Current Opinion in Insect Science. 20:75-83.
2016 and prior
Vinauger C., Lahondère C., Cohuet A., Lazzari C.R and J.A. Riffell (2016). Learning and memory in disease vector insects, Trends in Parasitology, Vol. 32, Issue 10, p761–771.
Lahondère C. and C.R. Lazzari (2015). Thermal effect of blood feeding in the telmophagous fly Glossina morsitans morsitans, Journal of Thermal Biology, 48:45-50
Lahondère C. and C.R. Lazzari (2012). Mosquitoes cool down during blood feeding to avoid overheating, Current Biology, 22(1): 40-45, doi:10.1016/j.cub.2011.11.029.
-> Selected and evaluated by the faculty of F1000.
-> Cover of the Current Biology Issue.
Book Chapters
Pereira M.H., Paim R.M.M., Lahondère C. and C.R. Lazzari (2017). Heat shock proteins and blood-feeding in arthropods. In: Asea A., Kaur P. (eds) Heat Shock Proteins in Veterinary Medicine and Sciences. Heat Shock Proteins, vol 12. Springer, Cham.
Lahondère C. and C.R. Lazzari (2013). Thermal stress and thermoregulation in Anopheles mosquitoes - New insights into malaria vectors, editor Sylvie Manguin. ISBN 980-953-307-550-6.