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Launching of the Insect Journal Club at Virginia Tech!

On the 11th of January, Dr. Clément Vinauger and I are launching the first Insect Journal Club at Virginia Tech!

Twice a month, we will be meeting to discuss papers dealing with the biology of insects and other bugs such as ticks and spiders. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to!) plant-insect interactions, insect genetics, behavior, physiology and neurobiology, insects as vectors of human and animal diseases, with an emphasis on chemical ecology, biochemistry and molecular biology.

The idea of this journal club is not only to discuss about papers but it is also a fantastic opportunity to meet your colleagues, get feedback on your work and build some new collaborations.

Students and faculty from Biochemistry, Entomology, Veterinary School, Life Sciences, Neuroscience, Biology and other bugs aficionados across campus are welcome. Postdocs and students who have results or manuscripts they want to share are especially encouraged to register to present their work!

We hope to see you there!

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